What will power your campaign?

The People.

Find your influencers. Graduate from your photocopied secondhand lists to the state-of-the-art Revolut.io Donor Aggregator tool. Your future voters, donors, volunteers, and workers are waiting to hear from you!

The Message.

What path will your election take? Do you know the people who are as passionate about your issues as you?

Find the right audience for your messaging and find the people who will help you build your campaign.

Find your influencers.

The key to understanding the groups making up the players in your election.

With Revolut.io's Donor Aggregator, you can run your dream targeting campaign and find the audience in your region that's right for you. Not testing your external messaging? Engage Revolut.io to help measure and find the people engaged on your issues.

Your field program should be focused on contacts, not prepaid phones, endless call-sheet printing, and data entry. Revolut.io's online call center brings new efficencies to phonebanking, and moves a vital part of your campaign to the cloud.

Find the solutions for your people-powered campaign.

For too long, fundraising has been a conveyor-belt to the high-priced consultants. Revolut.io is about giving organizations and candidates what they need to raise their funds and mobilize votes. A new type of party is possible - focused on people, not mass-mailers, million-dollar advertising or K-Street credit.

Revolut.io Donor Aggregator. What groups are contributing to your campaign - are you hitting everyone in the cohort? Are you missing any key party groups? Our innovative modeling program helps you inventory supporters and targets in a smart, new way.

Online Call Center. Your persuasion and mobilizations campaigns should be focused on people, not call sheets. Get your campaign's phonebanks on the cloud, and monitor callers from anywhere in the world.